Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A nod to Wilfred Gurney Fry

For some of us the naming of our blog was the most difficult thing about starting. Mine is an acknowledgement of my grandfather, a great sharer of information. In his later years he liked nothing better than to sit on the bench in the main street of his small country town and chatting with all those who went past. Everyone knew him, and he knew and was interested in everyone else. He was also a great letter writer. If he had been born a century later he would have been a natural blogger.....I've had some fun using using Spell with Flikr to write his name. With a bit of playing around you can choose letters that convey a sense of the word, both visually and literally.

W I L F R_McElman_070717_2639 Cimetière de Bracieux D

Sunday, September 30, 2007

And so it begins....

This is my first foray into the blogging world. As a person who loves to walk in the natural world, I'm viewing this as my first exploratory steps into the unknown terrain of blogging. It's time to get familiar with my gear, trust my map and begin my journey.